T-Shirt Baron Von Roth, who else?
T-Shirt Baron Von Roth, who else?
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth is a name that is inseparable from kustom kulture and custom car racing. Known for his bold designs and eccentric creations, Roth revolutionized the world of drag racing and custom cars. Here’s a look at his maverick journey and iconic drag cars, Ed Roth was more than a car builder, he was a pioneer of creativity and innovation. His drag cars, with their bold designs and revolutionary construction techniques, continue to inspire and fascinate. Roth left an indelible legacy, embodying the very essence of maverickism and the spirit of kustom kulture.
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth is a name inseparable from custom culture and automotive customization. Known for his bold designs and eccentric creations, Roth revolutionized the world of drag racing and custom cars. Here's a look at his maverick journey and his iconic drag racers, Ed Roth was more than a car builder, he was a pioneer of creativity and innovation. His dragsters, with their bold designs and revolutionary construction techniques, continue to inspire and fascinate. Roth left an indelible legacy, embodying the very essence of nonconformism and the spirit of custom culture.
エド “ビッグ ダディ” ロスは、カスタム カルチャーと自動車のカスタマイズから切り離せない名前です。大胆なデザインと風変わりな作品で知られるロスは、ドラッグ レースとカスタム カーの世界に革命をもたらしました。ここでは、彼の異端的な旅と彼の象徴的なドラッグ レーサーを紹介します。エド ロスは単なる自動車ビルダーではなく、創造性と革新の先駆者でした。彼のドラッグスターは、大胆なデザインと革新的な製造技術を備えており、インスピレーションと魅力を与え続けています。ロスは、不適合主義の本質とカスタム文化の精神を体現し、消えることのない遺産を残しました。