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Punk & coton

Angry eye MF

Angry eye MF

Regular price $8.700 CLP
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Limited edition embroidered patch "Angry eye" on felt lined with old cotton fabrics. Its size is 6cm×10cm
Our aim is to perpetuate the love of artisanal patchwork with its materials and flaws that make them unique pieces that stand the test of time.
Therefore, I only produce small series, 10 maximum, in order to preserve your unique side.
You will be sure to never find the same ones elsewhere as my designs are often unique in embroidery.
I also offer to embroider your own patch on a good quality image, ask for more information.
The patches are sent within five working days by registered letter.

Limited series embroidered patch "Angry eye" on felt lined with old cotton fabrics. Its size is 3" × 4.5" Our desire is to perpetuate the love of the artisanal patch with its materials and its defects which make them unique pieces that stand the test of time. Therefore, I only produce small series, 10 maximum, in order to preserve your unique side. You will be sure to never find the same ones elsewhere as my designs are often unique in embroidery. I also offer to embroider your own patch on a good quality image, inquire. Patches are sent within five working days by tracked letter.

Angry eye」の限定シリーズ刺繍ワッペン。サイズは6cm ×10cmです。 時の試練に耐えるユニークな作品にする、素材とその欠陥を備えた職人のパッチへの愛を永続させることです。 したがって、あなたのユニークな側面を維持するために、私は最大10個の小さなシリーズのみを作成します。 私のデザインは刺繍でユニークなものが多いので、他では決して同じものを見つけることはできません。 パッチは追跡可能な手紙で 5 営業日以内に送信されます。

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