Le t-shirt dans les années 60/70, vecteur d'expression personnel.

The t-shirt in the 60s/70s, a means of personal expression.

The slogan or design t-shirt has had a huge part in pop culture and most countercultures around the world since the 1960s. All sorts of people have used this good old cotton t-shirt to get their message across on all sorts of topics, from politics to sexuality, gang affiliation, cultural affiliation, music and brand advertising. They went through all styles, from cartoons to profane or even aggressive humor. In the 70s, t-shirts were in fashion and were now part of our daily lives. So not all slogans or designs were humorous, some advocated sex, others expressed their aversion to the world, new trends or simply expressed what the wearer wanted to say to the world. In any case, these years were prolific and anything was possible! Today, there is nothing left of that and few people, even those from this counterculture, have forgotten the non-seriousness of this period and swear only to bear the name of a brand in order to resemble each other, believing themselves to be advocating a new group identity but in fact, they only reduce your personal identity and rake in money on your back....

If it is not the Insoumis Clothing which wants to be guardian of the temple and of these prolific years 1960/1970 where individual expression was the rule. You will find in our t-shirt section only slogans and drawings of the past so that freedom of expression is never lost. Amen!

The t-shirt with slogans or designs has had an important part in pop culture and most countercultures all around the world from the 1960s onwards. All kinds of people have used this good old cotton t-shirt to get their message across on everything from politics to sexuality, gang affiliation, cultural affiliation, music and brand advertising services. They then went through all styles, from the cartoon genre to profane or even aggressive humor. In the 70s, t-shirts were fashionable and became part of our daily lives. All the slogans or drawings were therefore not all humorous, some advocated sex, others expressed their aversion against the world, new trends or simply expressed what the wearer wanted to say to the world. In any case, these years were prolific and anything was possible! today, there is nothing left of that and few people, even from this counter-culture, have forgotten the non-seriousness of this period and no longer swear by wearing the name of a brand in order to resemble each other. others, believing themselves to be advocating a new group identity, but in reality, they only reduce your personal identity and rake in money off your back....

Except for l'Insoumis Clothing which aims to be guardian of the temple and of these prolific 1960s/1970s where individual expression was the rule. You will find in our t-shirt section only slogans and drawings from the past so that freedom of expression will never be lost. Amen!

スローガンやデザインが入った T シャツは、1960とんどのカウンター カルチャーで重要な役割を果たしてきました。政治からセクシュアリティ、ギャングへの所属、文化への所属、音楽、ブランド広告サービスに至るまで、あらゆる分野のメッセージを伝えるために、あらゆる種類の人々がこの古き良きコットン t攻撃的なユーモアに至るまで、あらゆるスタイルを検討しました。 70年代、Tシャツはファッショナブルとなり、私たちの日常生活の一部になりました。したがって、すべてのスローガンや絵はユーモラスなものばかりではなく、セックスを擁護するものもあれば、世界や新しいトレンドに対する嫌悪感を表現したり、単に着用者が世界に言いたいことを表現したりするものもありました。いずれにせよ、この数年は多作であり、何でも可能でした。影は何も残っておらず、このカウンターカルチャーの出身者であっても、この時代の非真面目さを忘れて、お互いに似るためにブランドの名前を着ることを誓う人はもうほとんどいません。また、自分たちが新しいグループ アイデンティティを提唱していると信じている人もいますが、実際には、彼らはあなたの低下させ、あなたから金をかき集めているだけです。 ただし、寺院と、個人の流となった多作の 1960 年代から 1970 年代の守護者となることを目的としたl’Insoumis clothingみを掲載しております。アーメン!

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