The WHEELS and WAVES festival in Biarritz, combining the cultures of surfing, motorcycling, skateboarding and of course art, which actively contributes to linking these three environments, has become an unmissable event for fans of these disciplines.
ARTRIDE is therefore the flagship event of this festival because it celebrates creativity and artistic innovation in its cultures and countercultures. And this year, the versatile Japanese artist Cheetah San of Cheetah Custom Cycles came specially from Japan to preside over this opening with his hand-painted visuals and his magnificent 750 flathead HARLEY-DAVIDSON.
Thus, renowned artists such as Ornamental Conifer, L'Insoumis Clothing, Artus de la Villeon, Cherry Company and many others have already participated, bringing their unique and innovative perspectives to the polished aesthetic.
Fusion of art and motorcycle
ARTRIDE is therefore an exhibition that highlights works of art inspired by the world of exceptional motorcycling, surfing, skateboarding and their countercultures. Artists from all over the world create unique pieces, ranging from paintings, sculptures, photographs, hand embroidery, illustrators, surf artisans to classic collector or prepared motorcycles, reflecting the common point of these various currents. Each edition presents new creations, ensuring a renewed experience for visitors. These visitors can often interact with the artists, discover the creative processes and even attend live demonstrations. This creates a deeper connection with art and artists.
Usually installed in emblematic places of Biarritz, such as industrial warehouses, open-air spaces or the skate park, ARTRIDE offers an atypical and inspiring setting for visitors.
A unique atmosphere
ARTRIDE at Wheels and Waves in Biarritz is much more than just an art exhibition. It is a tribute to different cultures, a meeting place for creators and enthusiasts, and a celebration of artistic innovation. Every year, it attracts thousands of visitors, confirming its status as a key event in Biarritz's cultural calendar.
IN version
The WHEELS and WAVES festival in Biarritz, combining the cultures of surfing, motorcycling, skateboarding and of course art which actively participates in linking these three environments, has become an unmissable event for enthusiasts of these disciplines.
ARTRIDE is therefore the flagship event of this festival because it celebrates creativity and artistic innovation in its cultures and counter-cultures. And this year, the versatile Japanese artist Cheetah San of Cheetah Custom Cycles came specially from Japan to preside over this opening with his hand-painted visuals and his magnificent HARLEY-DAVIDSON 750 flathead.
Fusion of art and motorcycles
ARTRIDE is therefore an exhibition that highlights works of art inspired by the world of exceptional motorcycles, surfing, skateboarding and their countercultures.
Artists from around the world create unique pieces, ranging from paintings, sculptures, photographs, hand embroidery, illustrators, surf artisans to classic collectible or prepared motorcycles, reflecting the commonality of these diverse movements. Each edition presents new creations, ensuring a renewed experience for visitors. These visitors can often interact with the artists, learn about the creative processes, and even watch live demonstrations. This creates a deeper connection with art and artists.
Generally installed in emblematic places in Biarritz, such as industrial warehouses, open-air spaces or the skate park, ARTRIDE offers an atypical and inspiring setting for visitors.
A unique atmosphere
Thus, ARTRIDE at Wheels and Waves in Biarritz is much more than a simple art exhibition. It is a tribute to different cultures, a meeting place for creators and enthusiasts, and a celebration of artistic innovation. Every year, it attracts thousands of visitors, confirming its status as a key event in the cultural calendar of Biarritz.
Jp version
WHEELS and WAVESートボード、そしてもちろんアートの文化を組み合わせ、これら3つの環境を結び付けることに積極的に参加しており、これらの分野の愛好家にとって見逃せないイベントとなっています。アートとバイクの融合
したがって、ARTRIDE は、優れたモーターサイクル、サーフィン、スケートボード、およびそれらのカウンターカルチャーの世界にインスピレーションを作品に焦点を当てた展覧会です 世界中のアーティストが、彫刻、写真、手刺繍、イラストレーター、サーフィン職人からクラシックな収集品や準備済みのオートバイに至るまで、これらの多様な運動の共通性を反映したユニークな作品を作成しています。各エディションでは新しい作品が紹介され、訪問者に新たな体験を提供します。これらの訪問者は、アーティストと交流したり、創作プロセスについて学んだり、ライブ デモンストレーションを鑑賞したりすることができます。これにより、アートやアーティストとのより深いつながりが生まれます。
独特の雰囲気 したがって、
ARTRIDE は、単なるアート展示会をはるかに超えています。これは、さまざまな文化への賛辞であり、クリエイターや愛好家の出会いの場であり、芸術的革新の祭典でもあります。毎年、何千人もの観光客が集まり、ビアリッツの文化カレンダーにおける重要なイベントとしての地位を確立しています。
Pictures by @freakyrico for @linsoumisclothing